Vacations and travel are something we look forward to with great anticipation.

This project starts from the observation of the moment before departure, which is often not taken into consideration despite being filled with peculiar human dynamics.

These shots were taken between 2021 and 2022 and belong to different journeys: in fact the project does not focus on a specific place or journey, but rather on the journey as a tension towards a place and an emotional and mental state associated with a dimension of lightness and rest, to reach which, however, we often have to go through purely material and not very dreamlike dynamics. Think of the long queues under the sun for instance, a prelude to boarding (all the more true during the sanitary crisis linked to Covid19).

This project is therefore a reflection on wait, expectation and the relationship between what is dreamt, the imagined and a bodily humanity which we cannot ignore.

Travel is seen here not as a way of reaching a place, but as a moment of intrinsic value, characterized by that suspended and dreamy atmosphere typical of the in-between places, unrelated to a classical logic of time and space, of a specific aim, a before and an after.

Having a life on its own, travel becomes synonymous with freedom.